Romans One Eleven Trust Romans One Eleven works for mutual encouragement between churches in the UK and in Uganda and Zambia, including leadership development and international visits.
Dunamis Project Training resource, equipping and releasing the saints for ministry and evangelism in the power of the Holy Spirit
P.R.M.I. Presbyterian Reformed Ministries International – committed to spiritual renewal and to the advancement of the gospel of Jesus Christ in the gifts and power of the Holy Spirit.
New Wine A movement of churches working together to change the nation through a network of church leaders, summer conferences, training events and resources.
M.E.T. Methodist Evangelicals Together – is the biggest independent organisation in British Methodism, with a vision to: Uphold the authority of Scripture ; Seek Spiritual Renewal ; Pray for Revival ; Spread Scriptural Holiness
Fresh Streams Renewal movement mainly (but not exclusively) within the Baptist denomination
ReSource Renewal of people and churches for mission in the power of the Holy Spirit – across all traditions, Churches and denominations, but with an Anglican distinctive
The Prayer Forum Calling together the Body of Christ in the British Isles and Ireland to mobilise and encourage prayer