
Mobilising Prayer

Prayer is the powerhouse of the church. When people pray – things happen!

We must take seriously the call to engage in corporate prayer and to pray for one another. In the Bible we find the first Christians praying together in unity and with passion, crying out to God. As a result, remarkable things happened (Acts 1:14, 4:24 and 12:5).

GEAR promotes and resources prayer through…

  • Prayer Network – a nationwide community of intercessors
  • Power Points – a prayer guide distributed with the In GEAR magazine.


Prayer Network

Clare Davison co-ordinates GEAR’s prayer communication, including the Prayer Network. This network enables intercessors to seek revelation and guidance and to wrestle in prayer for GEAR and for the URC.

If you are interested in joining the prayer network, please send an email to


Power Points

The Power Points prayer diary is produced three times a year and is distributed with the In GEAR magazine. Suggestions and requests for inclusion in the next edition of Power Points can be made by email to