Same Sex Marriage

Same Sex Marriage & the URC

In 2016 the United Reformed Church’ General Assembly determined that each local congregation has the autonomy to decide whether or not it should register to  conduct same-sex marriages. This catalogue of resources was compiled to help equip local churches who wished to have an informed discussion about the subject before submitting their responses to the URC. The information is retained here as a reference resources for local churches who are considering this topic.

Is God Anti-Gay? Written by an Anglican priest who experiences same-sex attraction but is committed to orthodox biblical teaching on the subject and thus celibate. Short, easy to read, accessible, straightforward thinking, clear. Amazon – Paperback and Kindle versions of Is God Anti-Gay?
Biblical and pastoral responses to homosexuality Written for the Evangelical Alliance, its ten affirmations clearly set out the EA’s position on the subject. And in explaining these affirmations it reviews biblical and scientific material and explores the pastoral outworking of an evangelical position. Biblical and pastoral responses to homosexuality
Traditional Sexuality, Radical Community contends that one of the most serious callings of the church in our age is to create new, counter cultural plausibility structures that makes the life and demands of the gospel plausible, practical and attractive …and asks what that might look like. Visit the blog
In these two feature articles from Premier Christianity magazine, Steve Chalke calls for a new Christian understanding of homosexual relationships, while Greg Downes unpacks the traditional evangelical understanding of homosexuality. Steve Chalke’s new understanding Greg Downes’ traditional evangelical understanding
Living Out is a network of people who experience same-sex attraction and yet are committed to what the Bible clearly says, and what the church has always taught, about marriage and sex. They articulate a perspective that is not often heard – that of men and women who are honest and open about their same-sex attraction, but who have discovered that obedience to Jesus in this area of life is fulfilling, healthy and authentic. Their website is a treasure chest of articles, interviews and personal reflections. Three clergy members of this network were interviewed in Premier Christianity in response to Steve Chalke’s initial article (linked above). Visit the Living Out website Sam, Sean & Ed – different kind of coming out If We Are on the Right Side of Jesus, We Will Be on the Right Side of History
Accepting Evangelicals Describe themselves as an open network of Evangelical Christians who believe the time has come to move towards the acceptance of faithful, loving same-sex partnerships at every level of church life, and the development of a positive Christian ethic for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. Participants/patrons include: Steve Chalke, Vicky Beeching, Roy Clements, and their website provides insights into the theology that undergirds their views. Visit the Accepting Evangelicals website
Want information from the URC website? Here is a set of links to some relevant pages, documents and papers. The URC’s own resource page for this discussion One Plus One (2nd edition) Church of Scotland theological briefing paper The URC ‘Manual’ in all its glory
Faithful and Welcoming is a network for like-minded people within the UCC (United Church of Christ, USA), dismayed at their denomination’s gay-affirming theology but convinced God was calling them to remain committed within it. Visit the Faithful and Welcoming website
The Case for Idolatry is a different kind of reflection, exploring dominant themes in gay-affirming theology through the lens of idolatry, and using the literary genre of parody. The Case for Idolatry: Why Evangelical Christians Can Worship Idols